Optogenetics: The Future of Neurology

Dhruv Penumatsa
3 min readApr 25, 2021

The human brain is our superpower, it allows us to use the environment around us to our advantage so we can make life easier for ourselves. Using our brains, we have created some amazing things such as Self-Driving cars, quantum computing and AI. With modern technology, there have been huge advances in our society from longer lifespans to treating deadly diseases. Unfortunately, this doesn’t mean our modern society does not have any problems. 6.8 million people succumb every year to neurological diseases but there may be a solution. New advancements in technology have led to a process of treating these diseases called optogenetics.

What is Optogenetics and how does it work?

Optogenetics is the process of using light to turn genetically engineered neurons on or off. The process of altering neurons is very complex as there are billions of neurons and the biggest hurdle in altering neurons is that it is very difficult to alter a single neuron’s actions. By using Optogenetics we can use light to target the specific neurons that are needed for any situation. Neurons are very small and there are billions of them inside of our brain and changing one specific neuron can be very tricky. To do this, opsins are needed, this is because they are light-sensitive channels that will activate when hit by certain wavelengths of light.

Opsins are proteins that are released by the genetically modified neurons so that they can respond to the certain wavelength of light that is hitting them. One example of this is how blue light activates the opsin ChR2. When ChR2 is activated it leads to an influx of Na+ ions which depolarizes the neuron, this means that the neuron’s membrane shifts to a more positive potential and allows for more communication between other neurons.

Different types of opsins:

Activation Opsins:

  • ChR2
  • C1v1
  • bReaChES
  • Chrimson
  • ReaChR

Inhibition Opsins:

  • GtACR2
  • ArchT
  • NpHr
  • JAWS

How is Optogenetics being used today?

Optogenetics is a great way for neurologists to figure out how the brain works. They can monitor and experiment on the brain by activating and inhibiting certain neurons so the brain can perform specific functions. This makes it easier for neurologists to find more information about the brain such as how a stroke affects the brain long-term, and what specific neurons are being activated when you are in different situations.

The future of Optogenetics:

As Optogenetics evolves and improves it can be used to help patients with neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Older ways of treating symptoms for these diseases use a procedure called deep brain stimulation. This uses implanted electrodes in the brain to activate the neurons in that area. This process will either activate or inhibit all the neurons in that area. Optogenetics uses light to activate specific neurons for a more effective treatment.

Optogenetics can also soon help people with paralysis by activating genetically-modified motor neurons which would stimulate muscle contractions to help the patient move. An alternative to this method would be to modify the muscle cells themselves so that they can be directly affected by the light to contract.

How optogenetics can change how we perceive mental health:

Mental health is a very big health concern for many people all around the world but it is different from other health problems in the way that it’s perceived. When people have an illness they will go to a doctor, no questions asked. If someone has a mental illness they may feel embarrassed because there are many people that don’t think of mental health as a real illness or health problem and do not try to get help. This causes many people to feel embarrassed or ashamed to get treatment while their mental health gets worse and worse, which can lead to suicide. With optogenetics, neurologists are learning so much more about mental illness and their research shows that mental illness is a health problem that stems from certain neurons firing in the brain, just like all diseases. With the emergence of Optogenetics and all the newfound research in mental health, more and more evidence shows that anxiety, depression and PTSD are all disorders that people need to get treatment for and they should not be left to deal with them by themselves.

With Optogenetics, we will know more about the human brain than ever before, from researching about how our brain works, to treating paralysis, to changes in society. Optogenetics has the potential to change how we think about our brain and, in turn, help millions and millions of people.



Dhruv Penumatsa

I am a student that loves learning about emerging technologies.